Classic Vintage Retro Styles Dress Ideas
In fashion, nothing truly ever goes out of style. Fashion is cyclical in nature, and these days the vintage dress is trending. The main reason that 50s style dresses are trending is because they are made of quality materials like cotton, wool, lace and linen that come in classic cuts and colors. Unlike the fashion of today, people had more control over the color of their clothing and so vintage shoppers today have a wide range of prints and unusual patterns to choose from. With so much choice, where do you begin when choosing a vintage, retro style dress? Let’s take a look at the seven most popular classic vintage styles that you can wear today! 1. Dresses with Full Skirts The most iconic vintage lace dress style is a dress with a full skirt. Nothing says vintage like this cut also known as a swing dress. It features a fitted top with a full circle skirt that starts at the waist. Decades ago the swing dress would have been worn with a slip or structured coast, but these days moder...